Week 33 - Chrome: Credits



  1. What function is the 'Reset All Button'?
    1. Open the invoice number inputted in the Retrieve Invoice textbox.
    2. Clears all items' refund details in the Invoice items grid.
    3. Records that fall within 60 historical days and 20 production days

  2. How many sections does the Credits main window have?
    1. 2
    2. 1
    3. 3

  3. What Function does "Adjust Credit Return Reasons window where you can add new reasons for refund" link too?
    1. Reason for Refund Browse Button.
    2. Toggle All Button.
    3. Change Selected Button.

  4. What 2 Features are part of the Credit Details Tab?
    1. Retrieve Invoice Textbox & New Credit Button
    2. Print Credit Note Button & Print NCR Button
    3. ACM Approved Checkbox & Restock Fee Textbox

  5. Who gives final approval for selected credit?
    1. User entering credit
    2. Account Manager
    3. Customer



  • Victoria: Rochelle Plew
  • Western Australia: Rebecca Clarke
  • New South Whales:  Dannielle Alexander
  • South Australia: Liam Mendis
  • Head Office: Toni Morgan
  • Northern Territory: Daven Li


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