Week 34 - Scheduler Interface



  1. What options are available for the Calculators Tab?
    1. Job Drawings, Advanced & Mill Certificates.
    2. Job Number, PST Reporting & Credits.
    3. Bar, Mesh & Pod

  2. What does it mean if you can't view certain features?
    1. Don't have permission.
    2. App is broken - send helpdesk ticket.
    3. Outdated version of Scheduler.

  3. How many tabs are in the bottom section of Scheduler? 
    1. 6
    2. 9
    3. 8
      * Question 3 the article was out of date and did not take into account the Events tab, so for participants who answered 8 or 9 both earned a point.
  4. What best describes the Requests Feature?
    1. If you do not have access to unlock a schedule, the system will send a notification to action the request.
    2. A shortcut to open the Scheduler Diary system.
    3. Press the tools button to access various tool features that are located within the scheduling system.

  5. Which Feature does this Function belong too? "This grid lists all the schedules belonging to the selected job."
    1. Current Jobs Grid
    2. Job Schedules Grid
    3. Customer Details Grid



  • Victoria: Diane Christou
  • Western Australia: Saranga Wickramasinghelage
  • New South Whales:  N/A
  • South Australia: Liam Mendis
  • Head Office: Lee Kopaz
  • Northern Territory: Daven Li


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