Estimate Time Entries

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you are logged into Elda(Chrome) Estimates.
  • Time entries can be add on estimates that are not locked.

Adding time entries

Navigate to the 'Estimate Times' tab on the estimate form.

  1. Right-click on the grid and select 'Add Time Entry'.

  2. A form will be displayed. Fill in the details and Save.

    When saved the entry will be displayed on the grid.


Editing time entries

  1. To edit an existing entry, select the required row and right click. Select 'Edit Time Entry'. Alternatively you can double click on the row to display the edit form.

  2. Make the necessary changes and Save.


Deleting time entries

  • To delete an existing time entry, select the required row and right click. Select 'Delete Time Entry'.





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