Week 36 - Chrome: Attachments Tab



  1. What examples are used for Attachment types in the article?
    1. Receipts, Tax Invoice, Purchase Orders, and Credits.
    2. Marked Drawing, Purchase Orders, Delivery Dockets, and Manifests.
    3. Drawings, Manifests, Purchase Order and Run Sheets.

  2. What purpose is the Attachments Tab?
    1. Storing all documents for Chrome.
    2. So I can delete all documents from my computer once its attached.
    3. Attaching any relevant documents to the relating quote.

  3. What was referenced in the article regarding "Attachment Type"?
    1. Attachment Type must be selected.
    2. Attachment Type is optional, this isn't a required field.
    3. Only the Attachment Reference is required to be filled.

  4. Who has permission to add attachments?
    1. Management
    2. All Chrome Users
    3. Schedulers

  5. When is the Attachments Tab accessible?
    1. Once the quote is saved.
    2. Completed in Factory
    3. Anytime.



  • Victoria: Diane Christou
  • Western Australia: Saranga Wickramasinghelage
  • New South Whales: Dannielle Alexander
  • South Australia: Chinthana Wijewardana
  • Head Office: Lee Kopaz
  • Northern Territory: N/A


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