Add/Edit/Delete Tender Winners & Tender Lost Reasons


You can add, edit or delete tender winners to the Tender Lost or Reason drop downs.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure you have access to Manage Tender button on the Follow-Ups tab of the ReoQuote application.

Steps to Follow

 Click on the Manage Tender button to bring up the form.


Add Tender Winner/ Tender Lost Reasons

  1. Right-click in the Tender Winner table and select New Tender Winner.
  2. Enter the name on the prompt and Click ok.
  3. The winner is now created.
  4. Repeat the steps above on the Tender Lost Reason table to add reasons.

Edit Tender Winner/ Tender Lost Reasons  

  1. Click on the required row and type in to make changes. While editing you can see a pencil mark in front of the record to show that its still in edit mode.
  2. To save any changes click on any other row.
  3. Repeat the steps above on the Tender Lost Reason table to edit reasons.

Delete Tender Winner/ Tender Lost Reasons

  1. Select all the rows that you need, to be deleted. To select multiple rows press CTRL and click on the required rows.
  2. Right click and click on Delete Tender Winner.
  3. Click on OK to confirm the action.
  4. The records have now been deleted.
  5. Repeat the steps above on the Tender Lost Reason table to delete reasons.


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