How to Forward Calls on Teams to Another Person in your Contacts List


This knowledge base article provides steps to forward calls from Microsoft Teams to another number.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure you have an Office 365 account.
  • Ensure you have installed and are logged in to Microsoft Teams on your computer. See our article How to Install Microsoft Office for more.

Steps to Follow

  1. Open Microsoft Teams. Click on the three dots next to your initials (or your avatar if you have uploaded a photo) in the top-right corner of the app.

  2. Click on the Settings option. This will open up the Settings Window.

  3. Click on the Calls option from the Settings window.
  4. Under the Call answering rules section, click on the option called Forward my calls radio button.

  5. Click on the downward arrow next to Forward to and choose New number or contact.

  6. Type in the name of the person in your contacts list you wish your Team's calls to get forwarded to. A box should display the contact corresponding to the name you entered. Click on it.

  7. The Forward to drop-down list should now display the name you selected. All incoming calls would be forwarded to this person. 
  8. Close the Settings window.

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