Steps to take
- Download the attached file
- Unzip file
In this example, I extracted the contents to C:\Users\warrenh\Desktop - Open IPAddresses.txt
- Update the list of IP addresses with the list of IP addresses you wish to check
Tip: An easy way to prepare a list of IP addresses is to pull the from the database then simply copy them into the text fileSELECT WirelessIP FROM [dbo].[tblWirelessDevices] WHERE ISNULL(WirelessIP, '') <> ''
- Open Windows PowerShell. See Open Windows PowerShell.
- Change directory to where the files in step 2
This step is necessary as the Powershell script looks for file IPAddresses.txt in the same path
- Run CheckScanners.ps2
- Review the results
In this example, all ping tests succeeded and all TCP connections except those to IP address succeeded
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