Assign New BitScan Devices to Machines


This Knowledge Base Article provides a  step by step instructions on how to assign the BitScan Scanner to a machine in the factory.

EXAMPLE: Removing the existing scanner for the Sheerline Workspace. Then assign the new BitScan Scanner as the Sheerline Machine from Chrome. 

Before you begin

Steps to Follow

  1.  In the Scanner Analysis System window, click on the Scanners tab. 

  2. Click on the ALL option and click on the Refresh button. This will display all scanners connected to the machines.
    PLEASE NOTE: Scanner is named according to the connected machine in the factory. 

  3. Right-click on the Scanner that needs to be replaced/changed with a new BitScan device and select the Properties option. 

    Chrome will open up the  Scanner Setup window

  4.  Type in the IP address from the BitScan Scanner in Scanner Address.

    1. Confirm the  BitScan IP Address

    2. Locate the Scanner Address that is already in use.

    3. Type in the  Bit Scan Scanner IP  in the  Scanner Address textbox and click on the Save button for the changes to be applied.

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