How to Connect to the BB-Corp Wifi Network


This Knowledge Base Article provides steps on how to connect to the corporate Wi-Fi with employee credentials.

Before You Begin

Steps to Follow

  1. Click on the Network Icon from the taskbar located on the bottom right-hand side of the screen.

    The Network icon should appear as either.


  2. Click the arrow shown in the below image.

  3.  Select the "BBCorp" WI-FI network from the list.  (If the window requests Username and Password). If the window requests Username and Password:
    • You must enter your username as \.
      Eg. BESTBAR\YOUR_USERNAME. Your password will be the same as your standard windows account. Then click OK.

    • Click on the check box next to "Connect Automatically".Then click on the Connect button.

  4. Wait for verification step to complete

  5. Click on the Connect button.

 PLEASE NOTE: You can know that the Wi-Fi is connected by the Connected, secure phrase under the Wifi network name.

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