The Delivery Tracker page allows you to view and manage your upcoming deliveries.
Before you begin
- Ensure you can access you company's version of Thimbl (you may know it as ReoNet or FoamHub).
- Thimbl is accessible anywhere via your web browser of choice.
- See our article Accessing Thimbl for more information.
Delivery Tracker
1. From the main navigation, select Jobs and click Delivery Tracker.
This will take you to the Delivery Tracker page.
2. Ensure you have the correct Branch selected.
3. If you know the Job Number you are reporting on, you can enter it directly in the Search Job textbox.
If you don't know the Job Number, click the magnifier icon to open the Find Job Number form.
Enter the company name you are searching for in the Find Job Number textbox. A pop up will appear with suggestions available in the system. Click the suggestion that matches your company.
Once the company is confirmed, a list of Jobs will appear below the textbox. Click the Number of the Job (eg. 0001) you want reporting on.
4. After confirming the Job, add a From and To date under Date Range.
5. Click Get Deliveries.
Delivery Cards
Each delivery listed is arranged in a Delivery Card. This card contains a number of controls and information relevant to the delivery.
The Top Banner
The top banner contains (from Left to Right):
- The Date and Time the order was last scanned (eg. during production or while it was being delivered)
- The delivery's status (Delivered, Dispatched, Awaiting Dispatch, In Production or Pending Production)
- If the delivery has a camera icon you can view stored proof of delivery photos and/or sign-on-glass signatures.
- The order's Delivery Address. Please Note: if this order is marked for pickup by the client, the delivery address will appear as EX-WORKS.
The Padlock Icon.
Locked - If the padlock Icon is locked, this means the delivery date and details are fixed
Unlocked - If the padlock Icon is unlocked the delivery date and details can be changed. This will need to be requested via the Change Delivery Date control.
Delivery Stats
Schedule Listing
Delivery Progress Indicator
The progress indicator provides a quick visual guide of the current status of a delivery.
Pending Production/In Production
Awaiting Dispatch (Loading)
Change Delivery Date
If a delivery card is unlocked, changes can be made to some delivery details, including Delivery Dates.
1. Enter your preferred delivery date into the Change Delivery Date control.
2. Click Save.
You will then receive a notification at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen confirming your delivery date change request has been sent.
Sort Deliveries
You can use the Sort by ... dropdown box on the upper right of the screen to change the sort order of listed deliveries. You can sort by Delivery Date (latest/earliest) OR Delivery Status (Alphabetical/Reverse Alphabetical).
Filtering Deliveries
There are a number of filters available for listed deliveries. Click Show filter options in the left column menu to review the filtering controls.
Filter by Delivery Status
You can filter the list of deliveries by checking or unchecking options under the Delivery Status control. This control is dynamic and will update the list as you make your selection.
1. Check the options you require.
2. Review the updated listings of deliveries.
Filter by PO Number
You can filter the list of deliveries by a Purchase Order (PO) Number.
1. Enter the PO Number you are searching for in the PO Number textbox. The list will update automatically once you click anywhere outside of the textbox.
2. Review the updated list of deliveries.
Filter by Suburb
You can filter the list of deliveries by the delivery suburb.
1. Enter the Suburb you are filtering for in the Suburb textbox. The list will update automatically once you click anywhere outside of the textbox.
2. Review the updated list of deliveries.
Export the Deliveries to CSV
The displayed/filtered list of deliveries can be exported to CSV format for easy import into Excel or a third party database.
1. Filter your list as required. See the above instructions for more.
2. Click Export Data to CSV link at the bottom left-hand corner of the page.
3. Follow the prompts from your system to download the CSV file.
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