Introduction to the ReoQuote Interface


The blue background of the form activates when you are logged into a test database. In normal operations, the background will be the default form colour. For the purpose of this manual, images were taken from ReoQuote connected to a test database.

The main window will be further detailed into sections - the header, input, summary and command button sections.


Header Section

This section allows you to set the customer and job information that is to be used to price the quote that you are currently working on. There are eight tabs that make up this section:


Customer Details Tab (Default Tab)

Tab Features
Cash Sale Button
Press this to set up a default cash sale. Current customer information and job information are overwritten without prompting.
Customer Name Input Box
Click this panel to bring up the Find Customer window.
Job Number Drop Down
Select a job for the selected customer or type in the job number that you wish to use.
Job Browser Button
Press this to display a floating browser list of Schedules issued for this Job.
Allow Inactive Jobs Checkbox
Tick this checkbox to allow inactive jobs to be entered in the job number drop down box.
Account Warnings Panel
Account warnings for currently selected customer are displayed here. Observe any warnings set against the customer
Quote Description Input
A short description of the quote currently being worked on. (Will be used as the default title on saved quotes)
Purchase Order Information
Enter purchase order information supplied by the customer.


Delivery Details Tab


Tab Features
Delivery Address Box
Type the address that the goods are to be delivered to.
Display Button
Displays the current address in Google Maps. For best results ensure you address is formatted neatly with state and postcode information, e.g. 363 Mandurah Road EAST ROCKINGHAM WA 6168 and that there are no excess spaces, tabs or line return characters in the address.
Fast-Track Carrier
Specifies which Carrier will deliver the products.
Ex-works must be selected for the sale to be Fast-tracked.
Deliver from Dropdown
Specify which production site is to prepare the order
Vehicle Type Dropdown
Specify what type of vehicle is required to transport the goods.
Offload Method Dropdown
Indicate what offloading facilities are available at the customers site.
Delivery Date
The date that the goods are required to be delivered.
Ex-Works Checkbox
Tick this if the customer is arranging their own delivery or is picking up from the factory site.
Freight Forward Checkbox
Allows you to enter the immediate delivery address for orders being delivered, for example to freight company as well as the site address it will be delivered thereafter.
Delivery Time
Indicate if a special delivery time is required for the delivery.

Contact Details Tab


Tab Features
Contact Name
Enter the name of the person who is requesting the delivery.
Contact Phone
Enter the contacts phone number.
Enter the contacts email address.
Office Address
Enter the address where the invoice is to be sent to for goods delivered
Customer Source
Select the customers source of information regarding BestBar.
SMS Price Summary Button
Press this to message the price summary for the current quote to the contacts phone number.
Note: The phone number must be capable of receiving SMS text messages (ie. a mobile)
Select Button
Will display the pre-set customer contacts associated to the Job Account


Notes Section Tab

Tab Features
Customer Note
Enter any notes that are applicable to the customer. These will print at the top of any schedules printed.
Delivery Note
Enter any notes that are applicable to the delivery. These will appear on the manifest and at the bottom of the schedule.
Quote Note
Enter any notes that are applicable to the quotation. These will appear on the quotation print out.

Pricing Details Tab

Tab Features
Mesh Discount
The default mesh discount rate that will apply to Mesh quoted for the current customer/job.
Sundry Discount
The default sundry discount rate that will apply to Mesh quoted for the current customer/job.
Stock Rate
The rebar rate that will be applied to stock lengths of bar for the current customer/job.
C & B Rate
The rebar rate that will be applied to processed lengths of bar for the current customer/job.
Complex Rate
The rebar rate that will be applied to complex lengths of bar for the current customer/job.

Attachments Tab


Tab Features
Attachment Grid
Lists all the attachments added for the selected quote. (The grid can only be viewed when a new quote has been saved or an existing saved quote is opened)


Payments Tab


Payment Received Check-Box
Indicates that payment has been received.
Payment Types
Indicates that the customer paid for goods via:
· Cash Amount - Paid cash in advance for the order
· Credit Card – Paid via the NAB online portal with a credit card.
· Cheque - Paid via cheque, which accounts deposit into the bank.
· Eftpos – Paid via an Eftpos machine with a credit card.
· Bank Deposit – Paid by bank deposit.
Payment Reference Number
Authorisation details of credit card payment used to take payment via the NAB online portal or Eftpos machine.
Get Button
Press the button to open the credit card payment gateway to allow processing of the credit card transaction.
Credit Used Amount
Allocated payment amount applied from an approved credit.
Redeem Button
Allows you to allocate an approve credit as payment


Account Payment
Payment will be taken from the customers set credit limit amount.

Input Section

This section allows selection and adjustment of a product entry to be made, prior to it being added to the summary section.


Tab Features
Product Browser Button
Press this to bring up the Product Browser window to allow search and selection of mesh and sundry items.
Mesh Button
Press this to bring up the Mesh Calculator window.
Bar Button
Press this to bring up the Shape Calculator window.
POD Calculator Button
Calculates the requires amount of Pods required for the quote
Lost Sales Button
Allows you to record any lost sales due to have no stock.
Product Input Box
Shows the items code selected from the Product Browser. Can also be used to input the item code manually without using the Product Browser.
Qty Box
The number of the selected item required.
Discount Box
The discount to be applied for the selected item. (Will use default value for each product selected but may be overwritten if you have a larger personal discount level)
Total Box
The total cost including discounts for the selected item.  Pricing can be overwritten to another value if the discount allocated is within your pricing permissions.
Galv Checkbox
Only available when a mesh item is selected.  Tick this checkbox to use galvanised mesh.
Clear Button
Clears all current entries in the input section.

Summary Section

This section allows items that have already been entered to be modified and other details adjusted.



Tab Features
Summary Grid
Details the items that make up the current quote. Items cannot be modified through the grid; items must be individually edited using the edit button.
Add Button
Adds the current item in the input section to the summary grid.
Edit Button
Removes the currently selected item in the summary grid to the input section for modification.
Delete Button
Deletes the currently selected item. (Only one item at a time)
Displays the net total of all the items contained in the summary grid.
The current delivery fee to be charged for the order. Can be overwritten to your personal discount level.
The amount of GST applicable to the order.
The grand total of the order. Clicking this will bring up a prompt requesting what the quote is to be rounded to. If you do not have suitable discounts, functionality will be impaired.
Price Seeker Slider
This indicates the lowest and highest prices that can be charged for the order given your personal discount levels. Moving the slider will recalculate the prices based on the indicated level. You need to charge the highest price that will secure the order provided discount levels are not exceeded. Use of your personal discount levels is recorded by the system.

Command Button Section


Tab Features
New Quote Button
Resets the current quote without warning and sets the defaults for the current selected customer/job.
Save Quote Button
Saves the current quote for later retrieval.
Save As New
Saves the quote as a new quote for later retrieval.
Restore Quote Button
Displays the quote archive to allow retrieval of a previously saved quote.
Commit Button
Transfers the current quote to the Chrome “Scheduler” module.
Commit FT
Commits the quote and fast tracks (FT) it to Invoiced
Print Button
Displays the print options dialog for the current quote.
There are 2 “print to:” options:
-  Screen
-  Printer

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