Working with Product Types

Before you begin

  • Ensure you are logged into the Elda (Chrome) Products application.  See our article Getting Started with Products for more on accessing the Products module.
  • Ensure you are in the Product Types tab.

Adding a Product Type

  1. In the Product Types menu, scroll down to the bottom of the table.

  2. In the Description column, click the last empty row next to the (*) sign and insert the name of the new product type.

    By inserting the name of the new product type, this product type will be added to the database.

  3. In the Print column of the newly added product type, tick the checkbox if the product type is required to be included in price list printouts; otherwise, leave the checkbox unticked.

  4. In the Comment column, insert the appropriate description of the product type if available.

  5. In the Sundry column, tick the checkbox if the product type falls under Sundry product category; otherwise, leave it unticked to identify a mesh product. image017

  6. In the Product Category Column, select the grey drop-down option to allocate the new product to a category.


  7. In the Print Order column, insert a number to represent the position of the product type on price list printouts. The lower the number represents the product type will be positioned at the top of the printouts. (It is recommended to continue from the highest number available in the column.)

  8. Lastly, in the Sub Report Name column, either enter: “SubReports\GeneralSundry.rpx” for a sundry product or “SubReports\GeneralMesh.rpx” for a mesh product.

Editing an Existing Product Type

Editing a Product Type’s Name

1. Click the Description column of the product type you wish to have its name edited.

2. Enter the new name of the product type and press enter on your keyboard.


Editing a Product Type’s Print Status

1. In the Print column of the product type, you wish to have its print status edited,

a. Tick the checkbox if the product type is required to be included in price list printouts. 


b. Untick the checkbox if the product type is not required to be included in the price list printouts.

Editing a Product Type’s Description

1. Click the Comment column of the product type you wish to have its description edited.

2. Enter the new description of the product type and press enter on your keyboard.

Editing a Product Type’s Category

1. In the Product Category column of the product type you wish to have its category edited:

a. Select the grey drop-down option to allocate the new product to a category.


b. Tick the checkbox if the product falls under Sundry product category.

Editing a Product Type’s Print Order

1. Click the Print Order column of the product type you wish to have its print order edited:

a. Enter a lower number if you wish to have the product type to be positioned before others in the price list printouts.


b. Enter a higher number if you wish to have the product type positioned after others in the price list printouts.

Editing a Product Type’s Sub Report Name

1. Click the Sub Report Name column of the product type you wish to have its subreport name edited.

a. Enter “SubReports\GeneralSundry.rpx” for a sundry product.


b. Enter “SubReports\GeneralMesh.rpx” for a mesh product.

Changing a Product Item’s Type

This process allows a user to adjust the type of product. It can be done for Rebar, Mesh, or the Sundries tab – the processes are the same for each of these tabs.

1. Within the Chrome Products module, navigate to the Product you wish the change tab from the side panel (e.g., Mesh).


2. Scroll to the right until the Product Type column can be viewed (e.g., Mesh Type).


3. Navigate to the product that requires the Mesh Type adjusting. Using the drop-down option within the Mesh type column, select the mesh type from the list that you wish to assign.


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