Viewing Deliveries in the Deliveries for Day Tab


The Deliveries for Day tab allows users to view the deliveries timeline for a particular day. Deliveries are shown as boxes with two different colours – white representing incomplete deliveries and purple representing completed deliveries. Schedules which are not manifested are listed on the side and can be allocated into any listed deliveries.

Before you begin

Steps to follow

  • Viewing Deliveries for a Selected Date

    1. From the Deliveries for Day tab, select the date you wish to view the deliveries for and click the Refresh Button to view the list of deliveries for the selected date. NOTE:  If you double-click on a manifest box, you will be diverted to the manifest on the main manifest details screen.
  • Viewing Un-manifested Schedules’ Details

    1. Follow above the above instructions to view the list of deliveries.

    2. Click the un-manifested schedules grid expander button to expand the schedules grid. 

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