Once you have finished creating the manifest, adding any required schedules and/or credits, transfers and purchase order collections, you will need to commit the manifest. This will confirm the manifest runs have been finalised and the delivery information will then be uploaded to the allocated drivers Oova App.
For more on these activities, see our articles on:
- Creating a New Manifest
- Adding Schedules to a Manifest
- Adding Credits, Purchase Order Collections or Transfers to Manifests
- Removing Run Items from Manifest
- Editing a Manifest
- Changing the Sequence of Run Items
Before you begin
- Ensure you are logged into the Elda (Chrome) Manifests application. If you don't see Manifests in your available Elda (Chrome) shortcuts, you may need to request access to it. Please see our article on how to Request Access to an Elda Application.
- Ensure you are in the Manifest Details tab. See our Article Introduction to the Manifest Interface for more.
Steps to follow
Committing a Manifest
- Locate the manifest you wish to commit. For help locating an existing manifest, see our article on Finding an Existing Manifest.
To select it, click the grey box next to the manifest you wish to commit.
Navigate to the selected manifest's details tab.
Tick the Committed checkbox.
Once checked, select Save Changes.
The manifest will then display as committed and the delivery run details will be uploaded to the drivers Oova application.
- Locate the manifest you wish to commit. For help locating an existing manifest, see our article on Finding an Existing Manifest.
Commit Multiple Manifests at Once
If required, you can select multiple manifests to commit at once.
- To select a range of manifests, left click the first manifest row then, while holding down SHIFT, click the last row.
You can also select multiple, separate manifests by clicking them while hold down the CTRL key.
Right-click on any selected manifest and choose Mark as Committed from the drop-down menu.
- To select a range of manifests, left click the first manifest row then, while holding down SHIFT, click the last row.
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