Creating a Thimbl (Reonet/Foamhub) - Internal User


Here is how you can create an internal user account in order to get access to Thimbl (Reonet/Foamhub). 

Before you begin

  • Ensure you can access your company's version of Thimbl (you may know it as ReoNet or FoamHub).
  • Thimbl is accessible anywhere via your web browser of choice.
  • Ensure you have navigated to the Reonet Website.
  • Ensure you have logged out of any other Thimbl (Reonet/Foamhub) accounts.

Creating a New Account

  1. Select Create Account button on the Thimbl (Reonet/Foamhub) homepage.  
    PLEASE NOTE: This option is only available if you aren't logged in with another account.

  2. Enter the required details on the Account Registration Page and Thimbl (Reonet/Foamhub) will ask for your Chrome username and Chrome password once you enter your company email. Then click on Submit button to create your Thimbl (Reonet/Foamhub) Internal User Account.

    1. Thimbl (Reonet/Foamhub) is now connected to your ELDA applications.
    2. The Thimbl (Reonet/Foamhub) Username should be the same as your Chrome Username.

      PLEASE NOTE: Thimbl (Reonet/Foamhub)will display the message " Your account has been successfully created and verified. You may now login to REONET "  after creating your account successfully.

    3. See our article on Accessing Thimbl for information on how to log in to the Thimbl portal.

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