If you lose, haven't received or forget your password, the Training Portal's log in system has the means for you to reset it.
Steps to follow
1. To reset your password, first browse our Training Portal website at
2. Click the Login button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
The Log In link from the Pop-out/Burger Menu if you're browsing on mobile.
3. From the Login popup, select the link Lost Your Password?
4. You will be redirected to the Password Reset page. Enter your email address in the textbox and click Get New Password.
You will be redirected to the Home Page with the Login Popup active and the message "Please check your email for the password reset link." displayed below the popup title.
5. You should receive an email similar to the below. Click the link below the words "To reset your password, visit the following address:".
You will be redirected to the Password Reset Page.
IMPORTANT! To ensure this isn't a phishing exploit attack, check that the link directs you to the same web page on the Training Portal domain mentioned in the email, ie. it's URL should begin with
6. Enter or generate your new password in the New Password textbox, ensuring you make a note of your password in a secure way. Then click Save Password.
You should then see the message, "Your password has been reset." followed by a link to the Login Page.
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