Edit a Shape Image

Before you begin

  • Ensure you are logged into the Elda (Chrome) Products application. See our article Getting Started with Products for more on accessing the Products module.
  • You have a shape selected from the Shape Code drop-down options.

Steps to follow

  1. Click Edit Image. Click on the Open button when the Edit Image window opens.

    The image will open in MS Paint.
  2. Draw up the new shape.

  3. From the toolbar, click on the downward-pointing arrow below Select. Choose Select all.

  4. Right-click and select Copy.

  5. Return to Products.

  6. Click on both of the Paste buttons.
    Note: Later the image can be downscaled; however, there will likely be much back-and-forth getting the shape image right and it's considerably easier to paste twice then downscale the image every time.

  7. Click Update.

    The shape image will then be updated.

  8. Click on Save Changes.

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