This knowledge base article provides a step-by-step guide on how to do a secure print in a KONICA printer.
Before You Begin
- Ensure to acquire a User Box Number from the IT Help Desk.
- Ensure to provide a user password for the User Box from the IT Help Desk.
Steps to Follow
- Click on the File Tab from the application you are using. (For this example we will use Microsoft Word).
- Click on the Print tab, from the option list under the File Tab.
- Click on the Printer Properties link under the Printer Section.
- Select Save in User Box as the Output Method from the Printer Properties popup window.
- Click on the User Settings button. This will open up the User Settings popup window.
- Enter the user box number designated to you.
PLEASE NOTE: Click on the Obtain Device Information button to find the user box number connected to you. (Please contact your IT Helpdesk to request a User Box Number and provide a unique password for your User Box).
- Click on the OK button.
- Please click on the Print button. This will send your document into the User Box.
- Navigate into the User Box in from the Printer itself.
- Click on the User Box icon
- Select your User Box and click on the Open button.
- Click on the User Box icon
- Enter your password given by the IT Helpdesk for the User Box.
- Select your document and click on the Print button from the screen.
- Change the needed settings and click on the Start button. This will print your document.
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