Update User Details in Elda (Chrome) using User Access


This knowledge base article provides a step-by-step guide on how to update user details for Elda (Chrome) using User Access.

Before You Begin

  • Ensure you have access to the User Access application. If you don't see the User Access application in your available Elda (Chrome) shortcuts, you may need to request access to it. Please see our article on how to Request access to an Elda Application.
  • Ensure you are logged into the Elda (Chrome) User Access application. See our article Getting Started with User Access for more.

Steps to Follow

  1. Select the user that needs access granted using the drop-down menu from the top of the User Access application. (For this example we will use HarryC as the username.)

  2. Click on the Edit User button. This will open up the User Details window.

  3. Type in the user's details using the User Details window.
    PLEASE NOTE: The User Details window consists of five sections.
    1. General Details - User Access provides the generic details of the user you have selected. Please update the details that need changing accordingly.

      PLEASE NOTE: All the details highlighted in red are MANDATORY information (cannot be blank).

      The Username is created in the User Creation Step. See our article Creating a User in Elda (Chrome) using User Access for more. Updating the username is not allowed in the Edit User Details.
      The Password is created in the User Creation Step. See our article Creating a User in Elda (Chrome) using User Access for more. To update the password please contact your organization's IT Help Desk Team.
      This is a security code that can be used to verify user identity.
      User Level

      The department the user belongs to is entered from the User Level.
      The following roles are there to choose from:
      1. Accounts  
      2. Admin
      3. Customer
      4. Production
      5. Sales
      6. Scheduler
      Full Name

      Type in the first and last name of the user. The full name used in Elda (Chrome) needs to be the same one that's used in your organization (Active Directory/ Online Directory).
      User Title

      Type in the title used in your organization (Active Directory/ Online Directory) for the user. The user title is beneath the user's full name and user signature on estimates documents sent to clients.
      Contact Number
      Type in the telephone number to the user record assigned by your organization. The field is informational, and the value is not used by the Elda(Chrome) application itself.
      Email Address

      This is the email address of the user. Elda (Chrome) will use this to send emails on behalf of the user to clients.
      User Report Group

      This refers to the organization that the user is employed with.
      Cost Site

      This refers to the branch of the selected User Report Group where the user is employed.

      The User Access application has provided the functionality to copy and paste a signature from another windows application to User Access.
      User Access prefers when the digital signature is created with Microsoft Paint. When using Microsoft pain please follow the steps provided in User Access.
      These refer to the main groups that the users are categorized with.
      The user categories are as follows:
      1. Group - This verifies if Elda( Chrome) is used as an individual or if the user is using Elda (Chrome) as a Group(organization/ Team).
      2. Schedulers - This will add users to the scheduler list in the scheduler application to be assigned to schedules.
      3. Account Manager - This will add them as an account manager in the scheduler to manage accounts
      4. Deleted -This will make turn the account on with the deleted status.

    2. User Authorities  -  User Access application further provides the functionality to give restrictions for the user permissions provided when creating the user. Please update the details that need changing accordingly.

      Following restrictions can be provided for selected users.
      1. Job Authorities - This tab provides the ability to add limitations on the products that this user can factory.
        Job Authorisation Limit ($): The maximum value (dollars) of an estimate or job the user can authorize.
        Job Authorisation Limit(Tonnes): The maximum volume (tonnes) of an estimate or job the user can authorize.
        (1 Tonne = 1000 KG)
        Maximum Term approval(Days):
        Maximum Fixed Price Term (Months): The maximum fixed term length (months) of an estimate or job the user can authorize.
        Validity Approval Length (Days): The maximum quote validity length (days) of an estimate or job the user can authorize.
      2. Bar Rates - This tab provides the ability to put limitations on the product discounts that the user can use from the system. Please update the details that need changing accordingly.
        Minimum Rate Approval ($ per Tonne) The lowest stock price the user can authorize.
        Minimum Rate Approval C+B ($ per Tonne) The lowest cut and bent price the user can authorize.
        Minimum Rate Approval Complex ($ per Tonne) The lowest complex price the user can authorize.

      3. Credit Authorities - This tab provides the ability to put limitations on the credit limit for the user. Please update the details that need changing accordingly.
        Maximum Stock Return Value ($):  The maximum value (dollars) of stock  for which the user can authorize a credit.
        Maximum C & B Return Value ($): The maximum value (dollars) of non-stock (cut and bend)for which the user can authorize a credit.
        Maximum Credit Value ($): The maximum value (dollars) of a credit the user can authorize.

      4. Additional Authorities - Additional capabilities to the previous tabs are provided in the Additional Authorities tab. Please update the details that need changing accordingly.
        Purchase Order Authorisation Limit ($):
        Unlocking Min Auth Rebar Weight (kg): The total weight amount the user can unlock a factoried product.
        Credit Issue Limit ($): The will be main control on the limit the credit can be given to a customer.
        Delivery Limits: The total deliveries that the user can send deliver to per day.

    3. User Discounts - User Access application can be used to provide discounts on selected product codes for users. (For this example, we have given a 50% discount on Deliveries for this user.) Please update the details that need changing accordingly. Type in the Product code and the Discount percentage connected to the product and click on the Save button. Click on the OK button from the User Details Saved window.

    4. Job Assignments - User Access application provides a helpful feature for administering assigned jobs for users.

      1. Policy for Assigning Jobs:
        1. Internal Users (Schedulers) of Best Bar (WA) Pty Ltd has full access to all the Jobs listed in the All Jobs tab.
        2. Users (Schedulers) other than Best Bar (WA) Pty Ltd are given access to a selected number of Jobs listed in the All Jobs tab.
        3. If a user has not been assigned to any jobs this means that all access is provided to this user.
      2. Assigning Jobs - There are two methods of assigning :
        1. Assign Jobs individually 
          Double-click on a selected Job from the All Jobs section to be added to the Jobs assigned to the user.

        2. Copy Jobs from another user
          1. Select another user from the Copy jobs from her section located at the bottom of the Jobs Assignment tab and Click on the Copy button. (For this example, we will copy the Jobs from AgmaC.)

          2. Click OK on the Jobs Successfully Copied window.

    5. Software Versions - User Access application provides detailed information on the Elda (Chrome) applications the user utilizes on regular basis. The following information is provided in this tab.

      This will be the application the user has used.
      Current Version
      This will include the most current version application available for users.
      User Version
      The user version that the user has on his computer.  
      Last Used
      This will provide the date and the time the package was last used.
      Open Limit 
      A limit can be set for individual users for the number of times the user can open the package. By default, this is set for ' 0 '. 
      Opens Used
      The number of times the user opened the package.

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