Copying Pricings from another Job in Scheduler

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have access to Scheduler.  If you don't see Scheduler in your available Elda (Chrome) shortcuts, you may need to request access to it.  Please see our article Request Access to an Elda Application.
  • Ensure you are logged into the Elda(Chrome) Scheduler Application.  See our article Getting Started with Scheduler for more. 

Steps to Follow 

  1.  In Scheduler, select a customer you wish to create a job for.  See our article Finding a Customer for instructions on using the Find Customer Window to look up customer accounts.

  2.  In the Scheduler main window, press the Job button and select Job Details from the popup menu.

  3. Navigate to the Copy Job Pricing by selecting the Administration tab under the main Pricing/Discounts tab
  4. Enter the job number that you want to copy prices from, and press Confirm from the Copying Price window.

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