Outstanding manifests are manifests with delivery dates older than the current date that have not been locked. The Outstanding Manifests window opens after opening the Manifest system and every 15 minutes while the system is running to remind users to lock the outstanding manifests.
It is best practice to lock a manifest once they have been delivered successfully.
Otherwise, you could view the outstanding manifests manually.
Before you begin
- Ensure you are logged into the Elda (Chrome) Manifests application. If you don't see Manifests in your available Elda (Chrome) shortcuts, you may need to request access to it. Please see our article on how to Request Access to an Elda Application.
Steps to follow
- Press the Outstandings button in the main window to open the Outstanding Manifests window.
- If you wish to lock a manifest from the list, select a manifest and press the View Selected button.
This will open the selected manifest in the main window and will allow you to lock the manifest or move it a new delivery date.
- Flag the manifest as Completed to lock the manifest by clicking the Pickup Made flag initially and then clicking Completed.
- A dialog box will appear advising the manifest has been completed.
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