Resetting your BitScan Device


There are several instances where you may need to reset your BitScan device:

  • If you are redeploying your device to a new location
  • If you have made changes to your network and need to setup to connect to a different WIFI Access Point.
  • If your device has been improperly configured for your current WIFI network

Before you Begin

Connect your BitScan device to the 5V power supply provided in the box. The screen on your device should display it's current settings:

  • If the device is connected and functioning correctly, it should display it's MAC Address and Current IP Address.
  • If the device in incorrectly configured for your WIFI, in most cases it will notify you of the error:
    • “NO AP FOUND!” if the network SSID is incorrect
    • “WRONG PASSWORD!” if the WIFI Password is incorrect, the device will display
  • In some cases the device may be stuck displaying "Welcome to Barcode Scanning" if it can't access it's currently configured AP.

Resetting your BitScan (2nd Gen) Device

1. Ensure your BitScan device is disconnected from it's 5V power supply.

2. Flip the device over and carefully take off the back panel by removing the 4 phillips-head holding screws.

3. Carefully connect your BitScan device to the provided 5V power supply.

4. Press and hold the reset switch for 5 seconds, taking care not to contact any other parts of the board.

The device screen will display “Reset to AP Mode ...”, followed by “AP Mode” and the device's MAC address.

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