General Advice


During a stocktake, the iPhone display will be lit for most of the time. This uses a considerable amount of battery power and you will notice the battery drain throughout the day. It is recommended whenever possible, such as on break or while waiting, the iPhone be placed on charge.


An iPhone has an auto-lock feature which locks the iPhone after a period of inactivity. This is a security feature but also serves to conserve battery power including by turning off the screen.  The auto-lock feature with a short period is often inconvenient while performing a stock count as the iPhone will automatically lock during longer counts and needs to be unlocked again to enter the count data. You need to find a balance between the iPhone automatically locking and turning off the display to save battery power and inconvenience of having to unlock the iPhone to enter count data.

These steps allow you to change the auto-lock settings on an iPhone:

  • Tap on the Settings app
  • Scroll down to Display & Brightness
  • Tap on Auto-Lock
  • Tap on a setting you feel balances automatically locking and turning off the display to save battery power and inconvenience of having to unlock the iPhone to enter count data.

Network Access

At the end of a stocktake, you will want to send your stocktake to the data collation. Stocktakes are sent using the Mail app on the iPhone. This requires a network connection to make possible. Each iPhones hosting the Stocktake App is set up to connect to wi-fi network BBHead but moving about in factory and more so the yard may see the iPhone loose connection to the network. If you send your stocktake while the iPhone is without a network connection, the Mail app will store a the emails for sending once network connectivity is restored.

Hiding the Keyboard

Sometimes the keyboard will be on the screen and you would rather it wasn’t. Simply tap in an area of the screen which does nothing such as the background, an image or a label, and the keyboard will disappear.

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