The Stocktake App was developed to reduce the amount of manual effort required in performing a stocktake. Stock counts were done with pen on paper then entered manually into a spreadsheet for further processing. The Stocktake App replaces these paper and data entry steps, allowing stock counts to be collected electronically and exports both raw stock counts for audit purposes and summarized counts for further aggregation.
The Stocktake App is developed in FileMaker Pro and runs inside the FileMaker Go app downloaded through the iOS App Store. The FileMaker Go app is first downloaded to the iPhone through the App Store then the Stocktake App is copied into the FileMaker App through iTunes.
The structure of the Stocktake App is shown in the diagram below, beginning with the home screen and ending at the count screens.
The most basic unit in the Stocktake App is a count. A count is simply a count of some item such as reinforcing bar, reinforcing mesh sheets, or sundry items. A count can be one of many types, each count type providing only fields relevant to the count to reduce scrolling and aid rapid data entry.
Each count is contained within a section. A section can be whatever you want it to be – an area of the factory, a rack, a line of pallets, and so on. A balance needs to be found between sections and counts. If there are too many counts in a section, it becomes difficult to scroll through all the counts if a count is to be edited. However, if a recount is required, it is easier to revisit a section with fewer counts, though more time used creating sections.
Each section is contained within a stocktake. A stocktake is an entire stocktake for the count team.
Count Types
Count types not only permit the collection and summarization of counts of the same type but also to limit the display of fields relevant only to the count type. This means there are no unrelated fields taking up valuable screen space and less scrolling to locate the required fields. For example, bar length is relevant when counting offcuts and WIP reinforcing bar but is irrelevant when counting coil or sheets of reinforcing mesh.
The various count types are listed below:
- Stock – Bar
- Stock – Coil
- Stock – HDW Coil
- Stock – HDW Cross Wire
- Stock – Mesh
- Stock – Sundries
- WIP – Bar
- WIP – Coil
- WIP – Offcut
- Other
Stock – Bar
The Stock – Bar count type is for use when counting stock reinforcing bar during a full stocktake. The product code determines the bar length so all that remains is to count the number of bars in the bundle. If there are identical bundles (identical product code and identical number of bars per bundle), this can be captured in a single count.
Stock – Coil
The Stock – Coil count type is for use when counting stock reinforcing steel coil during a full stocktake. The product code typically determines the weight of a full coil, however this weight can be changed as required. If there are identical coils (identical product code and identical full coil weight), this can be captured in a single count.
Stock – HDW Coil
The Stock – HDW Coil count type is for use when counting stock HDW reinforcing steel coil during a full stocktake. The product code typically determines the weight of a full coil, however this weight can be changed as required. The weight of the coil remaining can be specified as a weight or as a percentage of the full coil weight depending on the count method selected. If there are identical coils (identical product code and identical coil weight), this can be captured in a single count.
Stock – HDW Cross Wire
The Stock – HDW Cross Wire count type is for use when counting stock HDW cross during a full stocktake. The product code typically determines the number of cross wires in a full bundle, however this number can be changed as required. The number of the cross wires remaining can be specified as a count, as a percentage of the number of cross wires in a full bundle, or as a weight depending on the count method selected. If there are identical bundles of cross wires (identical product code and identical number of remaining cross wires), this can be captured in a single count.
Stock – Mesh
The Stock – Mesh count type is for use when counting stock mesh during a full stocktake. The product code typically determines the number of sheets in a pack, however, this number can be changed as required. All that remains is to count the number of full packs and the number of loose sheets.
Stock – Sundries
The Stock – Sundries count type is for use when counting sundry items during a full stocktake. There are many sundry product codes and so several ways of selecting a sundry item are provided. The sundry item can be found by browsing through the list of all sundry items, searching for the sundry item, or scanning a barcode related to the sundry item. The product code typically determines the unit quantity of the sundry item, however this number can be changed as required. All that remains is to count the number of complete units of the sundry item along with any loose items of the sundry item.
WIP – Bar
The WIP – Bar count type is for use when counting WIP reinforcing bar during either a WIP stocktake or a full stocktake. WIP reinforcing bar is unique it is typically stock length and this allows for the quick selection of bar length. All that remains is to select the type of bar and the number of bars in the bundle. If there are identical bundles (identical product code, identical length bars, and identical number of bars per bundle), this can be captured in a single count.
WIP – Coil
The WIP – Coil count type is for use when counting stock WIP reinforcing steel coil during either a WIP stocktake or a full stocktake. The product code typically determines the weight of a full coil, however, as the weight of a full coil can change, this weight can be changed as required. The weight of the coil remaining can be specified as a weight or as a percentage of the full coil weight depending on the count method selected.
WIP – Offcut
The WIP – Offcut count type is for use when counting WIP offcut reinforcing bar during either a WIP stocktake or a full stocktake. Common to all count methods is the reinforcing bar type but then the offcuts can be counted by length and count, by length and weight, and by count and weight depending on the count method selected. Typically, offcuts are counted by the length of reinforcing bar in the bundle and the number of bars in the bundle. However, for large bundles where it is impractical to count the bars, the bundle weight can be used instead.
The Other count type is for use when the item being counted does not is not found in the Stocktake App. A single field is provided to enter as much information as reasonably possible for the data collation team to determine what the product is and how much of it there is.
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