Week 08 - Adding Notes to Schedules



  1. Which application do we use to enter notes on a Schedule
    1. Invoicer
    2. Chrome Stock Control
    3. Manifest
    4. Scheduler

  2. Where do we have to navigate to enter a new note for a Schedule?
    1. BundleTags> Mesh Production> Production Planning
    2. BundleTags> Mesh Production> Batch History
    3. Scheduler> Schedule> Comments Tab
    4. BundleTags> Parameters> Machinery

  3. What is not a priority option for Notes in Scheduler
    1. Low
    2. Urgent
    3. High
    4. Medium

  4. When is a note generated automatically from the Scheduler
    1. When a note is finalised.
    2. When a schedule is printed.
    3. When a quote is generated and emailed to a customer
    4. When a quote is generated

  5. What action should you take after entering notes
    1. Click on the Note column.
    2. Right-click on the selected schedule.
    3. Press the Save Changes button.
    4. Select the note priority from the drop-down option.
    5. When you select the Follow-Up date.



  • Head Office: Faith Jurlina
  • Victoria: Rochelle Plew
  • New South Whales: Vanessa Abad
  • Western Australia: Samantha Wong
  • South Australia:  Tyler Dodd


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