Elvind Austria

Elvind Austria

Activity overview

Latest activity by Elvind Austria
Elvind Austria created an article,
Create and Add a Signature to Email Messages (Outlook App)
Background In Outlook, you can create one or more personalized signatures for your email messages. Your signature can include text, images, your electronic business card, a logo, or even an image...
Elvind Austria created an article,
Make Contact Number on Email Signature Linked for Calling through Teams
Background In Outlook, you can add a hyperlink to the contents of your signature like the email address and contact number. In this article, we'll provide the step-by-step process on how to add a...
Elvind Austria created an article,
How to Put Calls On Hold in Microsoft Teams
Background  This knowledge base article provides steps on putting voice calls and video calls on hold in Microsoft Teams.  Before You Begin Ensure you are logged in to an Office 365 acco...
Elvind Austria created an article,
How to Check for Voicemails in Microsoft Teams
Background  This knowledge base article provides steps on checking for your voicemail in Microsoft Teams.  Before You Begin Ensure you are logged into the work Office 365 account.  E...
Elvind Austria created an article,
How to Setup Voicemail in Microsoft Teams
Background  This knowledge base article provides steps on how to set up voicemail in Microsoft Teams.  Before You Begin Ensure you are logged in to an Office 365 account (https://www.off...
Elvind Austria created an article,
Create a Count
Before you begin Below are the steps to take to create a count. These steps begin with the following assumption: You are viewing the section in which you wish to add the count. (See Find a...
Elvind Austria created an article,
Find and View a Count
Before you begin Below are the steps to take to find and view a count. These steps begin with the following assumptions: You are viewing the section in which you will look for the count (S...
Elvind Austria created an article,
Modify a Count
Before you begin Below are the steps to take to modify a count. These steps begin with the following assumption: You are viewing the count you wish to modify (See Find and View a Count) ...
Elvind Austria created an article,
Modify a Stock – Bar Count
Before you begin Below are the steps to take to modify a Stock – Bar count. These steps begin with the following assumptions: You are viewing the count you wish to modify (See Find and Vie...
Elvind Austria created an article,
Modify a Stock – Coil Count
Before you begin Below are the steps to take to modify a Stock – Coil count. These steps begin with the following assumptions: You are viewing the count you wish to modify (See Find and Vi...
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