Kathy Palladino

Kathy Palladino

Activity overview

Latest activity by Kathy Palladino
Kathy Palladino created an article,
Week 38 - Chrome: Products
  Week 38 ANSWERS What example was used when adding a new product? Mesh. Rebar. Sundry items. What happens when you select "Edit Matrices"? This will open the Price Matrix Definition Window, ...
Kathy Palladino created an article,
Week 37 - Managing Consumables in Elda
  Week 37 ANSWERS After selecting the job number in the Scheduler main window, which button do you need to press to access job details? Save. Manage Types. Job. In which tab can you manage con...
Kathy Palladino created an article,
Chrome Credits: Disputes
Background Disputes are designed to allow the tracking of short paid invoices/invoices in dispute by the customer with the relevant team, while using the exiting credits application.   Steps to Tak...
Kathy Palladino created an article,
Week 35- Inbox Zero Approach
  Week 35 ANSWERS How long does it take to regain focus after an interruption? 25 Minutes 15 Minutes 35 Minutes What is Inbox Zero about? Deleting every email that comes through Organising yo...
Kathy Palladino created an article,
Week 34 - Scheduler Interface
  Week 34 ANSWERS What options are available for the Calculators Tab? Job Drawings, Advanced & Mill Certificates. Job Number, PST Reporting & Credits. Bar, Mesh & Pod What does it mean if you ...
Kathy Palladino created an article,
Week 33 - Chrome: Credits
  Week 33 ANSWERS What function is the 'Reset All Button'? Open the invoice number inputted in the Retrieve Invoice textbox. Clears all items' refund details in the Invoice items grid. Records t...
Kathy Palladino created an article,
Inbox Zero Approach
Many of us feel a sense of dread when opening our inboxes at the start of the day, and we often find ourselves checking them repeatedly throughout. This habit can really have a negative impact on p...
Kathy Palladino created an article,
Week 27 - Chrome: Create New Customer
  Week 27 ANSWERS In the Scheduler, where do you start the process to add a new customer? By clicking on the Reports tab. By selecting the Customer option in the Search By button on the left-han...
Kathy Palladino created an article,
Week 26 - Chrome: Mesh Calculator
  Week 26 ANSWERS What are the available multipliers for the Per Column? Cubic Meter, Kilometre & Gross Volume Scaling, Millimetre & Sheet Sheet, Square Meter & Tonne. Which of these examples ...
Kathy Palladino created an article,
Week 25 - Schedule Request
  Week 25 ANSWERS For the authoriser, how can we monitor outstanding requests? Checking email inboxes for any notifications. Checking the requests option on Scheduler. Reaching out to team membe...
  • Total activity 25
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